5 ways carbonated drinks might be poisonous to your health

Carbonated drinks are often associated with negative health effects. Checkout ways carbonated drinks might be poisonous to your health:

Carbonated Drink
Carbonated Drink

Weight gain and obesity: Sugary drinks, including carbonated drinks, can lead to weight gain and obesity due to their high sugar content. Regular consumption of sugary soda appears to be a consistent risk factor for weight gain and obesity.

Tooth decay: The sugar in carbonated drinks feeds the harmful bacteria in your mouth, which combined with the acids in soda, can lead to severe adverse effects on dental health over time.

Heartburn and belching: Carbonated beverages contain dissolved carbon dioxide, which becomes a gas when it warms to body temperature in your stomach. Consuming carbonated soft drinks may cause repeated belching as your stomach stretches from the accumulation of carbon dioxide gas.

Lower bone mineral density: Studies have linked carbonated soft drinks with lower bone mineral density. However, they have shown the culprit to be the phosphoric acid in soft drinks, not carbonation. Poor bone health may result when soft drinks replace calcium-rich foods, such as milk.

Kidney damage: Drinking a lot of soft drinks can actually hurt your kidneys. Acidic drinks, like diet soda, can be harmful to your kidneys in large amounts and even lead to kidney stones. Kidney stones are a result of the levels of minerals and acid in your urine being unbalanced.

Overall carbonated water, in its simplest form, is plain water that has been carbonated and does not have the same negative health effects as sugary carbonated drinks.

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