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Most people wake up early yet they feel disorganized or left out throughout the day. The reasons are not farfetched, it is caused by their morning habits. Here are 5 morning habits that can ruin your day:

Hitting the snooze button: This can leave you feeling disoriented for many hours. Instead, set your alarm for the time you need to get up and actually get up.

Forgetting to hydrate: Many adults are constantly dehydrated, so make a small glass of water part of your morning routine.

Skipping breakfast: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so be careful not to undermine yourself. Eat something quick but hearty, make something ahead of time.

Letting your phone take over: It’s too easy to get caught up in texts, emails, social notifications, etc. When you charge your phone overnight, set it aside, then use a different device for your alarm.

Doctoring your tea or coffee: Sugar and sugar-substitutes set off a cycle of giving you highs and lows, which makes you crave more sweets through the day. Instead add milk to have a natural sweetness.

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