
Gist Alerts brings you the latest news and trends in Nigeria and around the world. Gist Alerts integrates credible Nigerian content and perspectives to suit readers from all divides.

Our name defines us better and reflects news, entertainment, socio/political and sports voice of our people. Since our take-off, we have brought to your delight, the news and information on all Nigerian issues to a large and growing online audience. We are also front runners in the revolutionary social media networking; hence you can follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

GistAlerts.com news is updated with increasing depth and frequency. Today, the site is updated 24 hours a day, seven days a week with follow-ups and breaking news, as well as original reporting, entertainment and sports. Our readership which is not limited to Nigerians and Africans alone keeps increasing as a result of our professional and in-depth research in our reportage.

Currently, the website enjoys traffic of over 50,000 unique visitors daily and even a lot more when there is breaking news. This clearly indicates that advertising on GistAlerts.com is the best choice for investors and general advertisers.

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