5 ways to tell you are a narcissist

Narcissism is a personality style that means you are excessively preoccupied with yourself, often at the expense of others. Here are 5 ways to tell you are a narcissist:

Grandiosity: Narcissists have an unrealistic sense of superiority, believing they are unique and better than others.

Constant Need for Attention: They seek constant attention, validation, and admiration from others, often disregarding boundaries and expecting perfection.

Lack of Empathy: Narcissists struggle to empathize with others, perceiving everything as a threat and misreading facial expressions negatively.

Blaming Others: They lack responsibility, blame others for their flaws, and have a split personality where negative traits are projected onto others.

Insecurity and Validation: At the core, narcissists are insecure, needing constant validation to fill a void, often resorting to self-aggrandizement and manipulation.

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