Don't pop acne, here is what to do!

Acne is a common skin condition that can be treated with a variety of methods. Here are some ways to get rid of acne:

Wash your face properly: To help prevent pimples, it’s important to remove excess oil, dirt, and sweat daily. Washing with water and a cleanser will remove sweat and bacteria to prevent breakouts.

Use a moisturizer: Even if you have acne, keeping your skin hydrated is essential. When skin is dry, it produces oil to counterbalance, which may result in excess sebum and clogged pores.

Try conventional acne treatments: Salicylic acid, niacinamide, or benzoyl peroxide are proven to be the most effective acne solutions, but they can be expensive and have undesirable side effects, such as dryness, redness, and irritation.

Consider topical treatments: Topical treatments, which you can get over the counter or through a dermatologist, are one way to treat acne. Look for products with benzoyl peroxide or retinoids, since they can help the skin topically.

Consider oral treatments: Patients with moderate to severe acne will require systemic therapy. Oral antibiotics, isotretinoin, and hormonal therapy are some of the options available.

Make dietary changes: Certain dietary changes may also help. For example, some studies suggest that a low-glycemic diet may help reduce acne.

Try home remedies: There are many home remedies for acne, such as applying apple cider vinegar, green tea, or aloe vera to acne. However, more research on their effectiveness is needed.

Consult a professional: If you suspect hormones are to blame, a dermatologist may suggest a specific type of birth control to lower hormones that may be causing acne. You can also look into natural ways to balance hormones, like through diet, getting enough sleep, exercise, and other lifestyle changes that a professional like a dietician or health coach can help you with.

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