5 things you should not say to a bereaved person

Losing a loved one is a difficult experience, and it can be challenging to know what to say to someone who is grieving. Here are five things you should avoid saying to a bereaved person:

“At least they’re in a better place now.” This statement can be hurtful because it implies that the person’s grief is unwarranted or that they should be happy that their loved one is gone.

“I know how you feel.” Everyone’s experience of grief is unique, so it’s best not to assume that you know how someone else is feeling.

“It’s time to move on.” Grief is a process, and it takes time to heal. Telling someone to move on can make them feel like their grief is being dismissed.

“Everything happens for a reason.” This statement can be hurtful because it implies that the person’s loss was somehow meant to be or that there is a greater purpose behind their pain.

“You should be over it by now.” Grief doesn’t have a timeline, and everyone processes it differently. Telling someone that they should be over it by now can make them feel like their grief is abnormal.

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