5 ways to spot a toxic person

A toxic person often causes distress in others through negative words and actions. This is due to low self-esteem, mental health conditions, or deep-rooted personal issues. Here are 5 ways to spot a toxic person;

Lack of Empathy: Toxic people often lack empathy and are unable to understand or respect your feelings. They may dismiss your emotions or make you feel guilty for having them.

Manipulative Behavior: Toxic individuals often engage in manipulative behaviors, such as lying, gaslighting, or playing mind games to control or exploit you. They may use guilt, blame, or victimhood to manipulate your emotions and actions.

Negative Energy: Toxic people tend to bring negative energy into your life, often through constant complaining, criticizing, or spreading drama. They may drain your emotional resources and leave you feeling exhausted or overwhelmed.

Disrespecting Boundaries: A toxic person will consistently disregard your boundaries, ignoring your needs and preferences.

Lack of Accountability: Toxic individuals often refuse to take responsibility for their actions, instead blaming others or making excuses.

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