
Obasanjo Calls For Imprisonment Of Corrupt Leaders

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo, speaking on Thursday, expressed deep concerns about the rampant corruption within Nigeria’s political system, calling for severe repercussions, including imprisonment for many of the individuals involved. Obasanjo, who served as Nigeria’s first democratically elected Head of State from 1999 to 2007, criticized the criminal behavior of certain political officeholders.

Speaking during a memorial lecture for the late cleric Denis Slattery, titled *“The Imperative for Moral Rectitude in Governance,”* Obasanjo stated, “If you examine the people in government today at both executive and legislative levels, some of them should be permanently behind bars for their past misdemeanours and criminal misconduct.” He added that the corrupt tendencies within Nigerian politics prevent fair governance, likening the situation to thieves being tasked with delivering justice.

The elder statesman, hailing from Abeokuta, also recalled an incident involving a politician who had made false statements and, when confronted, dismissed the issue as a part of “politics.” This, according to Obasanjo, reflected the moral decay in the system where dishonesty is normalized and corruption is excused under the guise of political maneuvering. “The first thing that shocked me when I entered politics was the level of corruption among election officials, which was considered normal,” he noted, emphasizing the culture of impunity that permeates the political landscape.

Obasanjo urged for Nigeria to embrace transformational leadership characterized by integrity, honesty, and truthfulness, instead of continuing with transactional leaders who perpetuate dishonesty and exclusion. He stressed the need for governance rooted in morality, ethics, and positive character traits, lamenting that these values have been overshadowed by political expediency.

This recent outcry mirrors Obasanjo’s previous statements made in Abeokuta, where he reiterated that many current politicians deserve imprisonment due to their corrupt practices. He has continually emphasized that while systemic reforms are necessary, the fundamental issue lies in the character of those in government.

Through his pointed remarks, Obasanjo made it clear that Nigeria’s political system requires more than structural changes—it demands a moral and ethical revolution to restore accountability and integrity to governance.

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